(Written about 5 years ago - finally published!)
So, I've been up to my elbows in bread the last two days, and it gave me some time to ponder the New Testament teachings on leaven. I sat down here to write about them and decided to look up the exact verses I was thinking of in my E-Sword program, and then I thought maybe I'd better read a few commentaries on these verses, and now... well, it's way more complicated than I have the time to relate here!
So, use some good Bible software (or several Bible commentaries) and look up a couple verses like Matt. 13:33; 16:11, Luke 13:21 and Galatians 5:9. Then, after reading several great thinkers' ideas about this, you can edit my blog and leave all the notes! No, really... it's not just as simple as "let a little of the bad in, and you'll get a whole bunch of bad." I like cut and dried, I like rules and regulations (as long as they make sense). I think I'd have been a good Pharisee. But really, as I always find, that's not how God operates. He's about our heart attitude, not only our outward appearance. So... long story short, let's allow Christ to be the leaven in our hearts, bringing about His will, permeating all that we do and say and think and feel by His Spirit.
And send me your notes after you've studied this a bit!
So, I've been up to my elbows in bread the last two days, and it gave me some time to ponder the New Testament teachings on leaven. I sat down here to write about them and decided to look up the exact verses I was thinking of in my E-Sword program, and then I thought maybe I'd better read a few commentaries on these verses, and now... well, it's way more complicated than I have the time to relate here!
So, use some good Bible software (or several Bible commentaries) and look up a couple verses like Matt. 13:33; 16:11, Luke 13:21 and Galatians 5:9. Then, after reading several great thinkers' ideas about this, you can edit my blog and leave all the notes! No, really... it's not just as simple as "let a little of the bad in, and you'll get a whole bunch of bad." I like cut and dried, I like rules and regulations (as long as they make sense). I think I'd have been a good Pharisee. But really, as I always find, that's not how God operates. He's about our heart attitude, not only our outward appearance. So... long story short, let's allow Christ to be the leaven in our hearts, bringing about His will, permeating all that we do and say and think and feel by His Spirit.
And send me your notes after you've studied this a bit!